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征服玉山體驗 Climbing Yushan for challenge
此行程必須自己組織人數達8~10人,委託我公司承辦『征服玉山~兩天兩夜體驗遊』,因為政府規定每天進入玉山有人數限定,特別是必須有過夜住宿的名額才可以進入! 外籍旅客可以選擇預約此特殊登山活動,也可以結合其他旅遊行程作為特別訂製的團體行程,唯請注意玉山預約有人數限制(2-3個月前提出)。
**Special articles for foreign travelers
This itinerary must be organized by 8 to 10 people, and our company is entrusted to undertake "Conquering Yushan-Two Days and Two Nights Experience Tour", because the government stipulates that there is a limit on the number of people who enter Yushan every day, especially if there is a place for overnight accommodation.
Foreign travelers can choose to book this special mountaineering activity, or combine it with other travel itineraries as a special customized group itinerary, but please note that there is a limit on the number of people who make reservations in Yushan (made 2-3 months ago).
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